Tagged: rest

Backup Your Code Stream Pipelines.. With A Pipeline!

Introduction In this post I will be providing you with a Code Stream pipeline that is capable of exporting all pipelines in your Code Stream instance, committing them into a GitHub repository and pushing the commits back to GitHub.   Assumptions I have made a few assumptions that...

vRA 8.3 REST Api Calls With Code Stream

Introduction In this post I will be providing an example of how to make REST API calls from Code Stream obtain an API token from the vRA 8.3 REST api obtain a list of Cloud Accounts registered with vRA filter for a specific Cloud Account on vRA  ...

Postman Samples For vRA 8

Attached to this post you will find a JSON file that can be imported into Postman.  The import will give you a collection called ‘AutomationPro-vRA8’ which contains 19 example requests for using against a VMware vRA 8 install. Although there are many more requests that can be made,...


Introducing MockSmart

MockSmart is a simple to use, Ubuntu based appliance that enables you to mock REST based API responses. In fact, you can quickly mock any REST based api and consume it from any of your favourite automation products or development environments. As long as it can make REST...