Tagged: infrastructure

Panic! vIDM root password has expired & cancelling ongoing resets

The problem Today I wanted to kick off a ‘Product Inventory Sync’ of my global environment in Lifecycle Manager before performing some upgrades. But, after a few minutes it failed. The error message suggested that I check to see if the root password had expired. When I logged...

Ansible & vRA integration in the palm of your hand

If you just want the script without the reading, download it here Integrating Ansible into vRA is a fantastic feature and not that hard to setup. VMware document the process themselves, and there are other numerous blog posts covering it as well, like this one or this one....

VMware vRA 8.3 and Puppet Enterprise Integration Configuration

Having installed Puppet Enterprise in my home lab I decided I should hook it up to my vRA 8.3 installation using the native integration feature. Doing a quick Google search yielded a clear and simple blog post that outlined how to configure it for vRA 8.1. Following this...

CD-Rom won’t mount for VM build in Packer 1.6.2

Whilst working on creating a new Packer deployment set with version 1.6.2, I had some strange issues whereby the Windows Server 2019 ISO on my vSphere datastore would randomly not connect. I admit I did scratch my head a bit on this one. Through some ‘Google-Fu’ I found...

Terraform – In Action with VMware vRA 8.x

Of late I have been playing with Terraform and the vRA 8 provider. Although I have found quite a few bugs with the provider (I’ll log those soon) it certainly is a great start! I have captured a quick demo below where I configure settings on a brand...

Puppet Learning VM on vSphere

Puppet provide a really great learning experience free of charge for everyone in the form of the Puppet Learning VM. The VM includes Puppet Enterprise, Puppet Server, Bolt and a bunch of virtual clients (thanks to incorporating Docker) for you to use to become more familiar with the...

Terraform – In Action

  I thought I would share two videos [editor: very basic, excuse the quality!] showing the use of Terraform to manipulate vSphere infrastructure. I recommend watching both videos ‘full screen’ for best effect [editor: and with popcorn if you have any, preferably sweet]   Video1 – vSphere Infrastructure...

Licensing Made Simple

Summary This tutorial will show you how to apply one or more licenses to vCenter through the use of Terraform. This can be expanded on to create a module that can be used across multiple vSphere environments.   Structure First of all, we are going to create a...

Simple Remote State Management With Terraform Cloud

Summary In this blog post we will look at configuring Terraform Cloud to remotely host our Terraform state file. Terraform cloud has multiple levels of subscriptions available. The good news is, we only need the free one! This post assumes that you have some Terraform config already setup....

Terraform and vSphere – Part Three

Summary This is part three of a series aimed at getting you going with Terraform in a vSphere environment.  The series will assume you understand the concepts of IaC and Terraform, at a basic level. In part one, we setup Terraform and created a basic definition to create...

Terraform and vSphere – Part Two

Summary This is part two of a series aimed at getting you going with Terraform in a vSphere environment.  The series will assume you understand the concepts of IaC and Terraform, at a basic level. In part one, we setup Terraform and created a basic definition to create...

Terraform and vSphere – Part One

Summary This is part one of a series aimed at getting you going with Terraform in a vSphere environment.  The series will assume you understand the concepts of IaC and Terraform, at a basic level. We will start by getting setup with Terraform, creating a basic definition to...

Introducing Terraform

  [editor comment: if you don’t know what Infrastructure As Code (IaC) is I recommend reading this post first]     What Is Terraform Terraform is an open source tool that helps you provision, manage the state of and update, infrastructure. Terraform works by using Infrastructure as Code...

Introducing Infrastructure As Code

  IT Infrastructure.. love it or hate it, it forms the foundation of many companies operations. These days you are hard pushed to get a job anyway doing anything, that doesn’t require you to use a computer, mobile phone, email, websites, a word processor…. the list goes on....